The Mumbai Metropolitan Region – Environment Improvement Society (MMR-EIS) was established in 1996 by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) to promote improvement of the environment in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) through studies, surveys, demonstrations, investigations, research and related activities.

Since 1996, the Society has supported a variety of initiatives of various research organisations, NGOs, Government bodies etc. towards Environment Improvement in the areas of Environmental Research, Technological Innovation, Implementation of Environmental Projects, Awareness creation and Training. The Society is the only platform of its kind that provides support in the areas of research on metropolitan environment improvement and has undertaken projects mostly in close collaboration with government agencies, which ensures that etiler escort the research findings inform the activities of these agencies. The Society has also supported projects that have visibly improved environment like Conservation of lakes and water bodies and catalyst projects like vermiculture, bio-gas production, water harvesting, etc. The Society has made significant efforts in the areas of awareness creation through supporting films, books, training etc in the field of environment. The Society has recently undertaken a project of inventorising environmental features like water bodies, water courses, open spaces, and other large urban green areas in the MMR. Presently it is also working on the development of an Environment Information System for the MMR.


Capacity Development Programme in Environment Management 2019-2020