
This module is aimed at understanding ESIA as an effective tool for decision making on whether and how to proceed with development projects. The module provides participants with an overview of the ESIA process from both, national and international perspectives. Aspects covered by this module include environmental & social risks faced by development projects, the national regulatory framework for environmental impact assessment, financer frameworks for environmental & social sustainability, basic ESIA processes and challenges to effective ESIA.

Module Objective

1. ESIA Stakeholders & Purposes
2. Environmental & Social Sustainability (ESS) Frameworks
3. Environmental & Social Risk Management & Safeguards
4. ESIA Processes: Regulatory & Financing
5. Data, Modelling, Predictions & Mitigation
6. Challenges to Effective ESIA
7. Good Practices in ESIA
8. Guidance & Tool-kits for Implementing Agencies

Topics Covered

1. ESIA Stakeholders & Purposes
2. Environmental & Social Sustainability (ESS) Frameworks
3. Environmental & Social Risk Management & Safeguards
4. ESIA Processes: Regulatory & Financing
5. Data, Modelling, Predictions & Mitigation
6. Challenges to Effective ESIA
7. Good Practices in ESIA
8. Guidance & Tool-kits for Implementing Agencies

Pedagogical Approach

Lectures and Discussions
Case Studies and Presentations
Slides, Videos & Films
Site Visits and Hands-on Exercises

Capacity Development Programme in Environment Management 2019-2020